Friday, July 5, 2013

To Celebrate or Not to Celebrate

Celebration - definition of celebration by the Free Online Dictionary ...
1. To observe (a day or event) with ceremonies of respect, festivity, or MUCH rejoicing.

If anyone knows me long enough they'll figure out quickly that I love to celebrate people and occasions. If there is reason to throw a party together, I will find one. I simply love to see something come together from the start and into completion. The benefit I get from the work and efforts is to see those around me smile and have fun.
I even celebrate holidays that have nothing to do with me. Oh, I can become Irish for St. Patty's day... Watch me.

When it was my 40th last month, as those close to me know I agonized over this "event" for the months before- not wanting to mark this part of my life's timeline at all.
Ugh, who wants to mark 40?
With the clock ticking, I decided to chop my husband's MUCH loftier ideas down to an intimate dinner party in our very own back yard. Instead of gifts, requested donations for the Hope for Dinner/ Run for the Border Non-profit in July that Erik and I have been working hard towards- and this is what I came up with.

To celebrate indeed.

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