Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Here's to 40.

I am turning 40. These simple four words have been the cause of MUCH angst this past year in my life. I've heard many responses from people in regards to this milestone birthday most of which go like this, "Your only as old old as you feel." or another favorite, "It's really just a number." As you may guess those responses are from my older friends. From my younger friends I hear a lot of, "Wow, what are you gonna do?" (Huh, what AM I going to do about that?)
Honestly, this subject has not only been a bit touchy for me, but for my husband as well. He and I have the privilege of hitting this milestone just a few months apart, and it has hit him hard too. It went from "Oh wow, we are really turning 40." to "If I even see the hint of a black cake or if someone wraps up some dentures for me, I'll show them where they can put those teeth."
See? As I had mentioned, a sore subject.
I guess besides "40 years" just sounding old, (I remember MY parents turning 40 and I thought, "those poor old souls..." ), the age has us both assessing if we have we done enough so far? Have we already peaked? I was talking to our lead pastor's wife a few weeks back and discussing this very subject. Her response was the PUSH I had needed. Her words of advice to me were, "Do something you've always thought about doing but have been too afraid to do. " You see, for the few weeks prior I had been wrestling in my head about the possibility of participating in the Run For The Border with a small group of young people. Essentially it is running 100 miles in the span of 4 days smack right in the middle of summer. We would be running to raise funds and awareness for the 1000's of refugees on the Thai/Burmese border who go with out food and proper nutrition on a daily basis. Our company's non -profit is in partnership with Feed My Starving Children and has successfully delivered a few shipping containers over to the Thai-Burmese border so far with in this last year. The struggle in this decision came mostly from the fact that running long distance has never been something I had done before, nor had a desire to do. For years my husband has begged me to run a marathon with him and each time I have responded no. Not because I didn't think I could do it, but more because I was afraid I would hate the sport of running once it was done. When running has been my only life's exercise that I have had an interest in, or honestly am coordinated enough to do, that's kind of a risk to take. 100 miles in 4 days, or really for me and Erik it would be a tag- team effort and will be 50 miles each over 2 days- MUCH better right? ;)So now, I was approached with the suggestion of running 2 marathons back to back, with just a day in between.

When Hope for Dinner was launched in partnership with Run for the Border during church one week my daughter Emma kept nudging me, "We can do something Mom."
My response was "We can write a check."
Her gentle whisper was something like, "We can do better than that......"
So a child shall lead them. This time the "God nudge" in me wasn't going to allow me to just write a check, (and there is a significant place for that in these situations). This time it was personal, and God had more for me that He wanted to do in and through me. So I am running. I am running right into the face of 40.

To know more about our fundraiser click on this highlighted link.

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